Prof. Muhammad Umar
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16. Rules of all General Body Meeting of the Society

  • The date, time and place shall be fixed by the Executive Committee after giving due notice to the members for this purpose.
  • One third of the members shall form a quorum.
  • n case quorum is not complete in a General Body Meeting, the meeting will be adjourned for half-an-hour. The adjourned meeting
  • shall be held at the same place after 30 minutes. The usual quorum is not necessary for such meetings.’
  • The non-receipt of notice of the meeting by any members sent under certificate of posting shall not invalidate the proceedings of such meeting.
  • The president, or in his absence the Vice President of the society shall take the chair at the meetings. In case of the two being absent, the members present shall elect a Chairman for the Meeting.
  • The recognized method of voting shall be, by the show of hands and carried by the majority present, but a member may demand a secret ballot. The Chairman’s decision after voting by secret ballot will be final.
  • In the event of equal votes on either side, President (or Chairmen) will have the right of casting the decisive vote.

17. Amendment to Articles and Byelaws

  • The Society shall have the powers to amend, alter, modify any of the foregoing Articles and Byelaws provided such changes in the Constitution have no direct or indirect effect of subverting any one or more of the aims and objects of the Society.
  • Proposal for amendment to the Constitution and Bye-Laws with proper reference to page No: Article No; or Bye-Laws No; shall be submitted by the members at least two months before the General Body Meeting through the General Secretary. These will be discussed at Executive Committee’s meeting at least one month before the next General Body Meeting. The later Body will consider the proposed amendments and such amendment if confirmed shall come into force immediately, if passed by a majority of two third of the members. Presence of at least 33% of the total membership is mandatory.

18. Society Financial Year

  • The society financial year shall be from 1 st January to 31 st December.
  • Annual dues notice shall be sent to the members in the month of November every year.
  • A reminder latter shall be issued after 2 weeks.
  • It shall be mandatory for the members to clear their dues by 31 st December every year to retain “good standing”.
  • Non-payment of Annual Subscription Fee by the life members shall not debar them from exercising the rights of membership.

19. Procedure of Election

  • All members whose names appear on the membership register and are in good standing shall be eligible to vote and contest the elections except Honorary and Associate members who are not eligible to vote and contest elections.
  • List of Voters and Nominations
  • The General Secretary assisted by Finance Executive shall prepare a list of eligible voters of good standing members for the forth-coming elections.
  • The valid list shall be made available for inspections in the office of the Society by 15 th January of the election year.
  • Objections to the list should be sent to the General Secretary within one week of the issuance of the valid list.
  • Notice of submitting nomination papers will be sent to each member by post, under Certificate of Posting, by Vice President, one month before the Biennial Election.
  • Nominations on the prescribed form shall be submitted to the Vice President till 15 th February afternoon in a sealed envelope and marked Biennial Election. Nomination papers received after closing date will not be entertained.
  • Elections postponed or kept in abeyance due to circumstances beyond the control of the Society should be held as soon conditions permit, keeping in view all the provisions required for holding the elections as provided in the Byelaws. The postponed elections shall not be held if the period between the suspended election and the next regular elections is less than 8 months.
20. Scrutiny
  • Three members Election Committee, one of whom will act as Chairman, will scrutinize the nomination papers.
  • The elections Committee shall be nominated by the President will the approval of respective Executive Committee members.
  • Withdrawal of nominations shall be expectable unto 3 days before the election.

21. Election

  • Election shall be held in the month of February on fixed time, date and place as announced by the competent authority.
  • The election shall be held by secret ballot within 10 days after the last date for submission of nominations.
  • The election committee shall have full authority for control and management of the conduct of elections.
  • The election committee shall maintain absolute secrecy of the ballot.
  • The decision of election committee shall be final.
  • Any dispute relating to election matters shall be referred to the Executive Committee within 3 days whose decisions there on shall be final.

22. Legal

  • The President and General Secretary will have the power to file or defend suits or other proceedings on behalf of the Society and will have the authority to compromise settle or refer to arbitration any dispute relating to the Society with the written consent of the Executive Committee.
  • The Society shall stand dissolved if not less than four fifth of the total number of members of good standing vote for dissolution at a meeting convened for the purpose so decided, and the dissolution shall take effect from the meeting.
  • As per Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies Registration and Control Ordinance 1961, in the event of dissolution of the Society, article 10, 11 and 12 of the above mentioned ordinance will be invoked.
Prof. Muhammad Umar
was awarded
SJZ Research Award in 2004
Dr. Amir Rizwan
was awarded
Young Researchers Award
Dr. Abdul Naeem
was awarded
Best Paper Award in APPNA
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