(c) General Secretary
- Shall be responsible to conduct / control day-to-day activities of the Society and conduct correspondence in important matters with consent of the President.
- Shall convene and conduct all meetings of the Society and maintain Minutes Book of the General Body and the Executive Committee Meeting.
- Shall maintain a Membership Register.
- Shall appoint and dismiss salaried staff of the Society subject to the approval of the President and Members of the Executive Committee.
- Shall conduct any authorized business in the interest of the society with the approval of the President and Members of the Executive Committee.
(d) Joint Secretary
- Shall undertake all the duties of the General Secretary in his absence and assist him in his day-to-day duties.
(e) Finance Executive
- Shall be responsible for maintaining the account of the Society, to be regularly deposited in a branch of a Nationalized Bank approved by the Executive Committee.
- Shall present Financial Statement at the annual General Body Meeting.
- Shall receive all dues and settle all payments with conjoint approval of President and General Secretary.
- Shall be responsible for getting the accounts audited by authorized auditors appointed by the General Body.
- The Finance Executive shall regularly deposit all sums received in an assigned bank as soon as possible.
- The President and the Finance Executive shall sign all cheques drawn on the bank. In the absence of either, General Secretary shall be authorized to append his signatures.
(f) Research Executive
- Shall be responsible for holding research plannery meetings and medical workshops.
- Shall be responsible for correspondence with the editorial boards of different journals for ublication of research papers.
- Shall maintain the record of research work done.
(g) Vaccination Executive
- Shall be responsible for vaccination campaign against hepatitis B at National level.
- Shall be responsible to put effort to include hepatitis B vaccination in EPI of Pakistan.
(h) Publication Executive
- Shall be responsible for publications of the Society and approval of editorial board.
(i) Public Awareness Executive
- Shall be responsible for public health education from the Society’s of platform.
(j) Information Technology Executive
- Shall be responsible for establishment and maintenance of research and educational website of the society.
- Shall be responsible for maintenance of Liver and GI database.
(k) Publications
- An Editorial Board shall comprise of a Chief Editor, an Editor and four members from each province.
- The Chief Editor for each publication shall be from the city of publication and shall have the powers to induct an Editor from the same city and appoint up to four members on the Editorial Board.
12. Functions and Powers of the Executive Committee
- Shall lay down overall policy for conducting day-to-day activities of the Society.
- Shall formulate rules from time to time for conducting its business so long as they are not inconsistent with the rules laid down in the Constitution of the Society.
- Shall delegate any of their powers to a subcommittee consisting of such members as they shall think fit and to make such regulation for the proceedings as may be necessary.
- Shall be empowered to appoint or dismiss persons in the employment of the Society and fix their remuneration.
- To frame and make Byelaws to be later approved by the General Body at its next meeting, after notifying all members at least 1 month in advance of scheduled meeting. The Bye Law would only be operative after approval of the General Body.
- Shall have full powers to administer and control the funds of the Society; scrutinize audited account and Balance sheets prepared by the Finance Executive before presentation to the General Body.
- Shall approve annual report prepared by the General Secretary.
13. Meeting of the Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee shall meet at least once every three months.
- Two third members of the executive committee will form the quorum.
- The Minutes of all proceeding of the Executive Committee shall be recorded in the Minute Book duly signed by the President at the subsequent meeting and approved by the Executive Committee.
- Three non-attendances for 3 consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee without showing any reasonable cause will disqualify the member from membership of the committee.
- Midterm Vacancies in the Executive Committee shall be filled by election by the Executive Committee.
14. Sub – Committees
Two sub – committees will be formed for a period of three years.
(a) Advisory Committee
- Shall not consist of more than 10 members.
- A member of the Advisory Committee will be a person who has published at least 10 research articles / abstract presented in medical conference, symposium or workshop etc.
(b) Research Planery Committee
- Shall consist of a chairman and ten members.
- Chairman shall have equalence to the executive committee member and will be elected amongst the members of research planery Committee for three years.
- Five members from national and five members from international faculty constitute committee.
15. Meeting of the Society
The Executive Committee shall determine the date time and place of these meetings.
(a) General Body Meeting
The notice of at least one month shall be given for this purpose. General Body meeting will be held at least once a year.
(b) Emergency Meeting
The General Secretary shall convene it at a notice of 24 hours on receiving a written request from at least 10 members or 10% members which ever is more.