Prof. Muhammad Umar
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  Training Manual

It is nature of a human being to discover the undiscovered that's why he started attempting to look into human body orifices and body cavities date back from antiquity. Most of these efforts were fruitless because of lack of light source. In 1806, Philip Bozzini presented the theoretical idea of Lichtleiter (Light Conductor). This basic idea of light conduction was exclusively used in future developments in gastrointestinal, urological, gynecological endoscopies and eventually the laparoscopy. While technological advances have made endoscopy one of the most common procedures for

examining the gastrointestinal tract, learning how to maneuver the instruments and interpret the images can be frustrating for those without experience. This manual is specifically designed for beginners in endoscopy training. It has very illustrative and user friendly format, which comprehensively covers all aspects of basic skills in endoscopy.

  • Clear descriptions and images of the instruments and how and when they are used
  • Step-by-step instructions for handling the endoscope, such as insertion, air insufflation,irrigation, and more
  • Useful checklists and tables that lay out the procedures from beginning to end, includingpreparations, necessary medication and anesthesia, required staff and supplemental equipment, potential risks and complications, etc.

The manual also encompasses a complete full-color atlas that illustrates the entire spectrum ofboth normal and pathological findings. In addition to detailed explanations of each finding, theauthors provide

  • The endoscopic criteria and the most important differential diagnoses for each disorder
  • Series of images showing common variants, as well as comparison photographs of differential diagnoses
  • Useful guidelines for proper documentation
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy-Training Manual (2.48 MB)
Enodoscopy Disinfectiov.pdf (690 KB)
Endoscopy-Traning-Manual.pdf (77.1 MB)
Prof. Muhammad Umar
was awarded
SJZ Research Award in 2004
Dr. Amir Rizwan
was awarded
Young Researchers Award
Dr. Abdul Naeem
was awarded
Best Paper Award in APPNA
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